100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1693 (2) 1906 (58) 1923 (8) 1924—1926 (7) 1927 (11) 1928 (7) 1929 (8) 1930—1932 (6) 1933 (7) 1935—1942 (10) 1943 (7) 2007 (104)

Martinus Horvat

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1669.

Giorgio Horvat

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1693.

Josip Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Gjuro Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Gjuro Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Pajo Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Srećko Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Marica Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ivan Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ivan Horvat

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.